IDE integration
npm install -s @bluepjs/vue3-ide
Add IDE module to your Vue app
// main.js
// ...
import bluep from '@bluepjs/vue3-ide'
// ...
// ...
Your application should manage “communication” with Virtual Machine to get VM possibilities.
const vmInfo = vm.ideData()
Integrate Editor into page:
Options object used to configure editor icons and starting page, for example:
computed: {
editorOptions () {
return {
icons: { ...iconsObject },
select: { ...selectObject },
features: { ...featuresObject },
dialogs: { ...dialogsObject }
Options are:
icons - used “i class” style. Without icons some buttons right now are not visible (has no text, will be fixed in future)
select - object recieved on @select event to start editor with required element open
Default icons are preconfigured for font-awesome:
const defaultIcons = {
enum: 'fas fa-list-ol',
struct: 'fab fa-delicious',
function: 'fas fa-scroll',
class: 'fas fa-file-code',
library: 'fas fa-book',
event: 'fas fa-bell',
chevronRight: 'fas fa-chevron-right',
chevronDown: 'fas fa-chevron-down',
view: 'far fa-eye',
add: 'fas fa-plus',
remove: 'fas fa-trash',
edit: 'fas fa-pencil-alt',
save: 'fas fa-save',
run: 'fas fa-play',
close: 'fas fa-times',
fw: 'fa-fw'
Features allows tune IDE
Under development!
Not all features are implemented.
List and structure of features is not stable yet.
Default features are:
const defaultFeatures = {
save: true, // save button enabled
run: true, // run button enabled
panels: { // [not fully implemented]
librarySelector: true, // library selector panel enabled
libraryContent: true, // library content panel enabled
variablesBar: true, // variables bar (function options) enabled
variablePanel: true // variable panel enabled
create: { // [not implemented]
libraries: false, // allow clreate libraries
classes: true, // allow create classes
functions: true, // allow create functions
events: true, // allow create events
structs: true, // allow create structs
enums: true, // allow create enums
consts: true // allow create consts [consts are not implemented]
limit: { // [not implemented]
nodes: [], // allowed nodes regexps
types: [] // allowed types regexps
To overwrite standart browser dialogs set dialogs settings:
const dialogsObject = {
confirm: async (question) => { return Boolean },
prompt: async (question) => { return String },
alert: async (message) => { return }
save - “SAVE” button clicked. $event is updated library
run - “RUN” buttn clicked. $event contains information about library and function codes to run
select - fires when some element is selected to edit