Welcome to @bluepjs documentation! =================================== **@bluepjs** is a Java Script visual scripting engine library, inspired by Unreal Engine Blueprints system. Blueprint scripting looks like this: .. image:: ./_static/intro-blueprint-example.png :alt: Blueprint scripting example **@bluepjs** may be integrated into projects required visual scripting of project entities behavior. Version compatibility --------------------- @bluepjs project is under active development, but it doesn't mean u can't use it. Version numbers for @bluepjs are: **MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH**. There is no guarantee of back-compatibility between versions now, sorry. Some functionality of new versions rebuilds some old temporary solutions and version update until ``1.0.x`` defenetly will require manual `Library` rebuild on some versions update. **MAJOR** Currently is ``0`` until full OOP/template/import/export impementation and then it will be ``1.0.?`` version. Major version will be increased on huge scripting engine updates. **MINOR** Will be increased on each valuable update inside major roadmap. Resets to zero on major number incrementing. **PATCH** Will be incremented on every update. Doesn't resets. Means nothing for back-compatibility. .. note:: I'm really sorry, but documentation is also under development (and not so active as engine) Please, check https://github.com/bluep-js/example project for demo. Changelog --------- **0.3.4** * ``AbstractModule::metadata()`` for module dynamic metadata * ``AbstractModule::vm()`` * ``AbstractActor::metadata()`` for actor dynamic metadata * ``AbstractNode::context()`` * Node multiple slots * multiple slots for string/append, boolean/and, boolean/or * OOP support, node "cast to" * node "Switch .. case" * node number/plus * types basic/date; basic/time * ``async Vm::start()`` / ``async Vm::stop()`` * ``Vm::runModuleEvent(info, inputs)`` for easy run simple events **0.2.2** * Partial OOP support without correct classes inheritance. * ``Modules`` ``types``, ``enums`` and ``structs`` autosupport * ``Actors`` ``nodes`` updated to OOP style (from "node-per-actor" to "node-per-actor-type(class) with actor input" generation (require actors behavior rebuild in library!) * VM should be started to run. VM also can be stopped. * ``VM`` module with ``On VM Start`` event. * Modules API for start/stop * Templates support for IDE (type ``basic/template``) * bugfixes **0.1.1** * IDE limited to use only ``Default`` library * buxfixes Contents -------- .. toctree:: Intro User's documentation Developer's guides